What should I wear?
While training we wear a traditional dogi or white training suit. However, when you first start training we recommend you wear loose comfortable clothing such as track suit trousers and a t-shirt, and invest in a dogi when you feel ready.
We train bare foot so you need not bring any specific footwear

Can I wear my black (or other colour) belt earned in another martial art?
No, you may have attained a grade in another martial art but those techniques and the syllabus will not be the same as for Shorinji Kempo. As you will not know the Shorinji Kempo techniques you will have to start as a beginner/white belt, in much the same way as learning any thing new.
If you were to wear a coloured belt this may also cause confusion among other students and instructors and could place you at a disadvantage.

How fit do I need to be?
Fitness or lack of it is not a problem. One reason many people start learning Shorinji Kempo is to improve their level of fitness. You will not be expected to keep up with the rest of the class when you first start training, you will be encouraged to train according to your own level of fitness. Eventually you will attain a level of fitness that enables you to keep up with the majority of the class.

Do I need to make contact before attending my 1st lesson?
No it is not necessary to make contact before attending you are welcome to turn up to a lesson and talk to the Sensei or other students and either watch the lesson or join in.

Is Shorinji Kempo suitable for women or small people?
Yes, Shorinji Kempo is practiced by many women without any problems. The techniques do not rely on strength or physical size so no matter what your size you will not find it a problem.

Is Shorinji Kempo safe?
Injuries are rare in Shorinji Kempo, this is mainly due to the emphasis of co-operation during training and the nature of the techniques, which are designed to be effective without causing injury.
However, when taking part in any physical activity, be it running or working out in the gym, you could potentially suffer some form of injury.

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